CPD Courses
CPD Courses
Expand your knowledge, attend our free, Certified Continued Professional Development courses
By attending Continued Professional Development (CPD) courses you not only expand your company’s knowledge but proactively enhance your professional capabilities and career opportunities.
Diffusion invites you to expand your knowledge of the Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning industry by attending the following course which is held online for your convenience.
CPD Course Title: Understanding Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
This CPD course will give you a greater understanding of:
- The concept of air conditioning
- An understanding of fan coils; including the different types, benefits, components and constraints
- The difference between EC and DC motor technology
- An understanding of Specific Fan Power (SFP) and why it is important
- Control options and systems for different-sized buildings
- Ducting and the importance of Noise Ratings (NR)
- The process from product selection, and design through to installation
Simply email our team at cooling@diffusion-group.com to register.